Help with Mathematical Formulae

If you are not familiar with mathematical formulae, this page will help explain with the various formulae used in the IRC Rule:

  • *  Multiply
  • <  less than
  • >  greater than
  • ^2   squared  (eg. 4^2 = 4 squared = 4 x 4)
  • ^3  cubed (eg. 9.5^3 – 9.5 cubed = 9.5 x 9.5 x 9.5)
  • ^0.5  square root  (eg. 25^0.5 = square root of 25 = 5)
  • m^2   square metres
  • ( )  calculations shown within brackets are solved first  eg. 4*(3+3) = 4*6 = 24

If you would like clarification of any the formulae in the IRC Rule, please contact RORC or UNCL who will be able to help you.